Saturday, November 20, 2010

Welcome to our obsession!!!

We're a little late to the blogging game, but have finally decided to record our numerous travels to National Park sites: monuments, parks, historic sites, trails, and yes, even heritage areas and scenic waterways. Any NPS location, actually, that features one of those addicitive, all-consuming little ink stamps. While Brooke first noticed the passport book at Montezuma's Castle in Arizona, we did not officially begin until a few days later at White Sands National Monument. From there, it's been a near monthly preoccupation, taking us from the unparalleled beauty of Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, and Carslbad Caverns, to the little-known and out-of-the-way spots like Nicodemus, Kansas and Fossil Butte NM in remote Wyoming. And now, as Thanksgiving approaches and the weather appears to be favorable, we are headed once again to the Grand Canyon State, mainly to right past wrongs (visiting sites we previously ignored because we were not yet under the spell) and spend an otherwise cold Colorado holiday under a warm southern Arizona sun.

1 comment:

  1. I liked so much of what I read on Tuesday (Thank you for giving me something to do on an otherwise VERY boring day at work!) that I thought I would start from the beginning:)
